Monday, February 28, 2011

Money - It's All About Attitude!

Monday is the day I try to talk a little about money and how best to be in control of it. I am always inspired when I hear the stories of people who have carefully budgeted their money and figured out a way to make things work out. We live in a world where the temptation to spend money is all around us. Saving becomes difficult when we have set our expectations beyond what we can truly afford.

Find strength in the stories of those who came before you. I will share a few of the stories I have learned of my grandparents.

My dad recalls going with his father after payday to pay the family bills. They lived in a relatively small town and my father and grandfather would walk from one utility to the next to pay the bills in cash. This helped to teach my father from a young age the importance of paying what you owe on time. We don't walk from place to place today to pay our bills, but we can still involve our children in some way. Have them put the checks in the mailbox or help balance the checkbook when you're done. Talk with them about how much it takes each month to pay these basic necessities. They are learning more than you realize.

My grandmother didn't pick out her first brand new furniture until she was nearly 90 years old! She created a home with what they had been able to afford or with what others had given to her. She has 68 grandchildren and we all love going to Grandma's house. New furniture doesn't make it a great place to be - it's the love we feel when we go and that doesn't cost anything!

The other story I remember from my grandmother is that when she went on her first mission just as she graduated from college she took two dress suits with her. These two suits had been made by using the material from two used men's suits a relative had offered to give her. She was resourceful! We really don't need all we think we do. A little creativity and a heart willing to live on less can help us make huge strides to being financially independent.

I hope you feel inspired by these stories. Ask around to your family members - they probably have some inspiring stories of their own to share.

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