Sunday, May 8, 2011

Hooray for Moms!

Mother's Day is a day that turns our thoughts to those who have mothered us. We think of women who have been great examples for us. We also realize the HUGE task that is ours to "mother" the children around us whether they are our own or we "mother" other's children in some way. Many days it is overwhelming! It is difficult to see the big picture when we are "down in the trenches."

I think of my mother and grandmother who have been great examples of mothers. I realize they weren't perfect. They made plenty of mistakes that we laugh about now when we visit. But, I see the caliber of people they have for children which is a testament to the kind of mothers they were and still are. I know that as we do the best we can every day, Heavenly Father will fill in the gaps. He will place in our lives the women we need to learn from so we can do better.

As far as provident living goes, even though we know it is a family affair, it often falls on the shoulders of mothers to make sure the food storage is there and the teaching is happening with our children. So, as with every other area of our lives, pick ONE thing you are ready to learn or work on and start there. Our kids will be watching and soaking up more than we realize.

I have a friend who learned who my mother is and she said, "No wonder you are so good at provident living, you were trained by a master!" A little here and a little there, my mom taught me these important principles and you can do the same for your kids. And so today I say, "Hooray for moms. Hooray, hooray, hooray for moms!"

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