Sunday, August 28, 2011

Don't go into a panic when it comes to preparing

The hurricane pelting the East Coast has us all watching the news a little more closely and wondering just how all those families and individuals are coping with this big storm.

Those who had taken time to prepare beforehand are probably feeling a little inconvenienced by it all, but are not feeling alarm and panic. Hurricanes hit every year. If you live in a region where you know you are at risk for certain disasters, you should take time to prepare for these disasters.

Here is a quote from quite a few years ago. It is still very relevant today.

"Some people have reacted to the theme of preparedness as if it were a doomsday matter. In reality, all six elements of personal and family preparedness are to be emphasized so that the Latter-day Saints may be better prepared to meet the ordinary, day-to-day requirements of successful living.
Our emphasis on this subject is not grounds for crisis thinking or panic. Quite the contrary, personal and family preparedness should be a way of provident living, an orderly approach to using the resources, gifts, and talents the Lord shares with us. So the first step is to teach our people to be self-reliant and independent through proper preparation for daily life."

~~~~ Bishop Victor L. Brown October 1976

We are to use an orderly approach to prepare our families for daily life which includes preparing for possible storms, earthquakes, or other challenges that may require us to evacuate.

Don't go into a panic. Crate a plan and then work through your checklist. Some possible items on your list may be:
     - put together or rotate 72-hour kits
     - keep food and toiletry items at the house that will get you through 3 months
     - determine what is needed to live through an extended power outage and work to purchase these items
     - Create a family evacuation plan. Where would you go? How would you travel? What if your family is in different places when you need to leave? Where will your meeting place be?

These are just a few things to consider. I'm sure as you begin to think about it, you will come up with others. Having a plan drastically reduces the panic and anxiety that comes when a disaster strikes.

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