Monday, March 5, 2012

Inspiring Food Storage Blogs

One thing I have learned in life is that even though you think you know quite a lot about a subject, there are others who know more or different information about that same subject. Today I thought I would spotlight a few blogs I have come across that have inspired me to try something different with my food storage. Maybe they can inspire you as well. (Disclaimer: Some of these individuals are into blogging as a way to earn some income. I am not opposed to that at all, but I don't necessarily endorse the products they are advertising or selling.)

Crystal at Everyday Food Storage thinks along the same lines as I do in that she feels you should be using your food storage items everyday. She has quite a few recipes to share and some helpful handouts. One that really caught my eye was this one on making your own mixes. Those of you who have been reading my blog know that I am a huge believer in making mixes so using your food storage becomes easy and convenient. Crystal has experimented with different recipes than I have and she has also discovered using bean puree to replace the fats in her mixes. She and I could have a fun jam session comparing notes if we lived closer. Anyway, you'll have to take a look and try out some of her recipes.

Stephanie, also known as Chef Tess, blogs at cheftessbakeresse. She has recently started working again teaching many different food storage classes so some of her posts are about her upcoming classes. She has been blogging for a few years though and many of her past posts are about different grains, bread baking, gluten free baking, and plenty of other ideas for using basic ingredients. Her blog is a great collection of information that falls under the provident living theme. She paints some amazing looking loaves of bread by the way. Who wouldn't be inspired to try something new? (Photo from her blog.)

Lately, she has been developing recipes for making fully storable, just-add-water meals. These meals go right along with my thoughts on your need to have a food storage meal plan. Check out her posts on the 52 jar method for inspiration.

One last blogger that has inspired me is Suzanne at Chickens in the Road. This blog follows her story as she moves out to a farm and learns to be self-sufficient. She analyzes recipes like I do (I think we could be kindred spirits that way.) and comes up with ways to make them from scratch. I love how her writing lets you see into her mind just a bit to understand better why she makes the decisions she does. She also has some great posts on cheese making. She uses fresh cow's milk to make her cheese, but I know the recipes work with powdered milk as well. For you recipe lovers, she has a portion of her blog dedicated to recipes where readers can share what they have been baking or cooking. With her beautiful photography and great writing style, it is entertaining to say the least.

Hopefully, you'll have some fun hopping over to these blogs and checking them out. One more disclaimer, none of these ladies have made any contact with me or promised any free items in return for mentioning them here on my blog. I just have been inspired by them and thought you might be as well.

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