Monday, December 5, 2011

Family Haircuts

I pulled these pictures from our family archives - 

Sarah at about age 3 - don't you just love that face?

Spencer at about age 2 1/2

Ben at about age 3 - Ben's hair came in so slowly that he didn't get his first full haircut until his 3rd birthday. Doesn't he look excited for this special day!

Learning how to cut hair has saved our family hundreds of dollars over the years. It cost me $40 to buy a good set of hair clippers and a pair of hair cutting scissors. I now give four haircuts every 3 weeks to James and my boys. Even if we went to an inexpensive salon, we would spend $40 every 3 weeks - that adds up to nearly $700 a year! Add in a few trims for my girls and the total adds up to thousands of dollars in savings over the years.

I don't mean to downplay the skills that those who professionally train at a beauty school receive. They can do many more styles than I have figured out. I simply mean to share the fact that when we take the time to gain certain skills, it can save our family time and money in the long run. Rethink what you pay someone repeatedly to do. Ask yourself if it is something you could figure out doing with a little training. Get creative - you just might find a great way to save!

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